Picture heavy post--beware.
For starters, this is not a picture of Chloe's Halloween costume, but it is the only thing I sewed this year. I decided not to make Halloween costumes. I figured I had two that would fit the smaller girls, and Chloe had a pricey dance costume that had only been worn once. However, I did hook Chloe up with a sweet hippie costume for Red Ribbon week at school. What's a former costume designer to do? (But really, School, "Say Peace Out to Drugs?" Irony, much?)

A couple days before Halloween, we carved our pumpkins. Maggie thought this was awesome.

I thought both Chloe and Addie were enjoying it, too.

But something went very, very wrong for Addie.

She tried really hard to pull it back together, though.

Yeah, that's a real smile.

Maybe not. But this one sure is.

And I sure do see that mischievous smile a lot.

The girls had a great time designing their pumpkins. Addie's design got quite intricate and dense.

Chloe kept her face pretty simple, then filled the back of the pumpkin with hidden messages.

And I got to carve them all.

They turned out pretty cute, I think.

What a shame we only managed to light them up once. We forgot to do it before heading out to the Trunkless Treat (trick or treating around the church building). And Bracken didn't want to do it Halloween night since we weren't going to be home and he didn't want to mislead trick or treaters and incur their wrath.

Halloween finally arrived! Or, at least, the night of the ward Trunkless Treat arrived. I left early to go decorate my room in the church building. Bracken wrangled the girls into their costumes, and tried to get a picture.
Isn't Maggie to young to be giving us this look when we put her in a silly costume?

Here's Minnie Mouse and Jet the pony. Sort of.

This would have been an awfully cute picture. If it were in focus.

And Maggie's thinking everyone looks a little silly.

And we can't see Addie's face.

They all cooperated for the shot where we can't see their faces.

And then it didn't quite work out when they turned around.

At this point Bracken gave up and brought the girls to the church. I didn't get to see him much--I was till decorating my room with Shauna. I'm awfully glad she signed up to decorate with me because she really had all the cool stuff. Black lights, red lights, skull candelabras, rats, crows. All I really had was the Pirates of the Caribbean ride music on repeat. But together, we made an awesome pirate's lair.

We made the kids dig for treasure, while warning them about the rats.

Here's me and my co-pirate. I'm so glad I have to many piratey items in my costume boxes. And tooth black in my make-up kit. Though I wish I had upped the resolution on my phone before taking pictures. Love our creepy eyes. Glittering with treasure lust perhaps?

And here's my whole family. Even Bracken dressed up. Can you guess what he is?

He's a liberal. IT'S FUNNY!

And to round out the Halloween crazy, here are a few shots taken in negative mode on my phone.

Methinks we should do more teeth brushing after eating all that candy.